Certificate of Residence Information


Because you are not a permanent resident of Erie County, you are being billed non-resident tuition charges. You are required to provide the college with a Certificate of Residence from your home County each year, to be charged the single tuition rate. The Certificate of Residency allows SUNY Erie to bill your home County for the non-resident charges and allows you to pay the single tuition rate.

It is your responsibility to complete an application for a Certificate of Residency and submit it to your home County Treasurer/Finance department for processing.  Requirements vary by county, please contact your home County, or visit their website for specific information on obtaining a Certificate of Residency and the application process. Links for each county are available here

Some Counties will send the Certificate of Residency to the college, others will give it to the student. It is up to the student to ensure the SUNY Erie Bursar Office receives the certificate on time.

Students may apply for the Certificate of Residency any time between two months prior to their registration date and 30 days after the start of classes.  Certificates must be submitted to the SUNY Erie Bursar Office no later than 30 days after the start of classes.  Students will be liable for the non-resident charges if the certificate is not submitted by the deadline. Certificates received late cannot be processed until your County accepts a billing from the college. Any monies due, if applicable, will not be refunded until then.

If you have resided in NYS for 1 year and have been a permanent resident of Erie County for at least six months prior to the start of the semester, please contact the SUNY Erie Bursar Office for instructions on establishing residency. NOTE:  The affidavit/application for obtaining the Certificate of Residence cannot be used to prove Erie County residency.

If you have any questions on obtaining your Certificate of Residence, please contact the Student Account Service Office at the numbers provided below. If you have any questions regarding what proof is required for obtaining your Certificate of Residence, please contact your home county’s Treasurer or Finance Department.

For more information:
Student Account Services, City Campus
(716) 851-1164

Student Account Services, North Campus
(716) 851-1464

Student Account Services, South Campus
(716) 270-2982