Advanced Studies and Pathways
Get a jump on college--and save money--with advanced studies courses from SUNY Erie!
Advanced Studies
Why not get a jump on your college career while still in High School?
SUNY Erie’s Advanced Studies Program is open to all high school juniors or seniors of average or better academic ability interested in beginning their college studies while still in high school. Sophomore students may be recommended by their teacher or school counselor.
Eligible students may apply to SUNY Erie by using the Advanced Studies Application provided to the classroom instructor by the Coordinator of the AS program. Be sure to get your application in on time, as there is a deadline for each class.
Students & Parents
Parent Student Orientation Guide
Online Application Instructions
How to Access Your Student ID #
How to Access Your MyECC Student Account
High School Lecturer
College Options in High School
Teacher Checklist
Lecturer Application Process
Greetings Checklist Letter
AS Application
SUNY Erie New Course Syllabus Template
Additional Forms
NIAGARA - Certificate of Residency Instructions
Chautauqua County Residency Requirements
Out of County Residency
Akron, Alden, Amherst, BPS, Cardinal O’Hara, Charter School for Applied Technology, Cheektowaga, Chesterton Academy, Christian Central Academy, Clarence, Cleveland Hill, Depew, East Aurora, Eden, Erie 1 and 2 BOCES, Frontier, Grand Island, Hamburg, Holland, Iroquois, John F. Kennedy, Kenmore East and West, Lackawanna, Lake Shore, Lancaster, Maritime Charter, Middle College, Mt. Mercy Academy, Nardin, North Collins, Orchard Park, Orleans/Niagara BOCES, Park School, Pioneer, Salamanca, Springville-Griffith Institute, Starpoint Sweet Home, Tapestry Charter, Tonawanda, West Seneca East and West, Williamsville East, North and South.
For more information, visit the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnership.
The purpose of these agreements is to encourage students to follow a career pathway from high school to college! Earn SUNY Erie credit for work you are already doing in high school.
Advantage to students
- These agreements eliminate the duplication of learning and reduce the required number of credit hours necessary to graduate from SUNY Erie.
- A student can enroll into a program at SUNY Erie with credits already completed in high school.
- Articulated credit is free of cost and is awarded after the student is accepted at SUNY Erie.
How to apply for articulation credit
- Maintain an 85 percent average in the high school course, complete the course, and graduate from your high school.
- Ask your guidance office to send your transcript and complete your SUNY Erie application to admissions.
- You will receive a letter from Admissions confirming they received your request for credit.
- When you come to SUNY Erie to register for classes, know which courses you are eligible to receive credit for and be sure not to register for those classes.
High School/BOCES Articulation Credit Form
Current High School Agreements
Buffalo Public Schools: Bennett, Burgard, East, Emerson, Hutch Tech, McKinley, Olmsted,
Other Schools: Child Care Resources Network, Erie 1 BOCES, Erie 2 BOCES CCB, Genesee
Valley BOCES, Lockport, Monroe 2 BOCES, Orleans/Niagara BOCES, Rochester City East
Sheryl Duquette
(716) 851-1270,
College Preparatory Programs
Pathways offers three distinct college preparatory program pathways leading to college success. All programs are non-credit and tuition-free.
The GED Program assists eligible individuals in obtaining their New York State GED and prepare for the national GED exam.
The Pathways English as a Second Language (ESL) Program helps to prepare incoming students for college admission by offering courses to improve their English skills and college readiness.
The Pre-Collegiate Program offers developmental courses in math, reading and writing to prepare students for college-level courses. English as a Second Language is also offered in the Pre-Collegiate Program.
The GED program assists eligible individuals in obtaining their New York State HSE diploma and prepare for the national GED exam. The GED is offered through our partnerships and assists those lacking a high school diploma to obtain their high school equivalency diploma.
- Available at all three campuses and various site partnership locations
- Support from case managers, mentors, and instructors
- Enrollment is ongoing and open throughout the year
- Prepares you for the GED exam in all five areas; reading, writing, social studies,
science and mathematics to achieve a New York State GED Diploma
- Assistance, upon obtaining your GED diploma, in discovering the next "Pathway" to college
Partnerships include:
Buffalo Public Schools, Kenmore-Tonawanda School District, Journey’s End Refugee Services and Catholic Charities.
The Pathways English as a Second Language (ESL) Program helps to prepare incoming English Language Learners (ELLs) for college admission by offering courses to improve their English skills and college readiness. The program will assist both students that possess international high school diplomas and those seeking their high school equivalency diploma necessary for admission to the college.
The ESL Program offers the following benefits:
- Available on-campus and various off-site partnership locations
- Support from case managers, mentors and instructors
- Enrollment is ongoing and open throughout the year
- If needed, preparation for the GED exam to obtain a New York State GED Diploma
- ESL Pre-Collegiate students improve reading and writing skills necessary for successful
performance in college level courses
- Assistance in discovering the next "Pathway" in college
Partnerships include
Buffalo Public Schools, Kenmore-Tonawanda School District, and Catholic Charities
The Pre-Collegiate Program offers developmental courses in math and English skills, as well as ESL concepts to prepare students for college-level courses by offering the following workshops:
- Pre-Collegiate Reading\Writing (60 instructional hours): This course is the first non-credit level for adult learners seeking developmental English skills in reading and writing. This course provides adult learners with general study concepts and patterns to promote future educational experiences.
- Pre-Collegiate Developmental Mathematics (60 instructional hours): Developmental Math is designed to assist adults and GED graduates with developmental math to give them the skills necessary to enter a college level class. This course provides adult learners with general study concepts and patterns to promote future educational experiences.
- Pre-Collegiate ESL (360 instructional hours): This course is non-credit level for adult learners designed to improve ESL students’ reading and writing skills necessary for successful performance in college level courses. The goal of the ESL Reading and Writing Skills Workshop is to develop skills necessary for credited coursework, increase students’ ability to succeed in their major and in their chosen career field. Students must be available between 8:30 am – 3:30 pm during the Fall/Spring for 15 weeks and during the Summer for 12 weeks.
- Three session starts: late winter (January–February), fall (mid-September) and summer (June)
- Math skills class covers introductory-level through college-level concepts
- English skills class covers introductory-level through college-level reading and writing
- ESL skills class covers English comprehension, appropriate vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, basic computer and essay writing.
- Students may register for one or both of the reading/writing and math classes
- Smaller classes that allow students to receive more personal attention
- Best suited for the student who has not been in a formal educational setting in a few years
- Recognizes that academic preparation supports college-ready coursework
(716) 851-1109
North Campus,
North Campus, Spring Student Center, Room 210 (716) 851-1423