Building Trades/Residential Light Commercial
Program Description
As many of the nation’s buildings age, an appreciation of their worth grows. With
this renewed appreciation in the value of these treasures, there has grown a need
for technicians knowledgeable in the rehabilitation and renovation field.
The Building Trades/Residential Light Commercial curriculum is a unique, hands-on and technical one-year certificate program. The objective is to produce graduates capable of renovating and updating structures. This curriculum features both classroom learning and on-site lab experiences. Specifically, in the classroom, students study techniques of renovation (contracting and project management), blueprint reading, electrical systems, carpentry, and estimating. While at an on-site location, students participate in a residential or multi-use renovation project.
Graduates of the program may assume positions with building restoration companies, general contractors, home inspectors, or trade apprentices. In addition, many graduates transfer their credit hours in the pursuit of an Associate in Building Management and Maintenance degree.
Program Details
Pre-Admission Recommendations: HS or HSE Diploma