Placement Testing


For information on scheduling a Placement Test, visit How to Apply (#4 Math and English Course Placement).


All students requiring the math portion of the exam, will begin with ACCUPLACER® Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) and if you score below 233 on QAS, you will be automatically be directed to the Next Generation Arithmetic exam (untimed multiple-choice questions).


Students requiring the English portion of the exam will take the ACCUPLACER® Next Generation Reading Comprehension (untimed multiple-choice questions) and if you score below 256 in Reading Comprehension, you will be automatically directed to WritePlacer (essay of 300+ words, allowed 60 minutes).

EAL (English as an Additional Language)

Students who are dominant in a language other than English will take the Accuplacer® ESL Reading Skills & ESL Sentence Meaning Tests and an Essay for English course placement. ACCUPLACER® ESL Listening is administered to determine Oral/Aural course placement.

  • ESL Reading Skills: The ESL Reading Skills Test is a computer-adaptive assessment of the developed ability to read and comprehend explicitly stated information as well as infer information not directly stated in a passage. The test is untimed and includes twenty (20) multiple choice questions.

  • ESL Sentence Meaning: The ESL Sentence Meaning Test is a computer-adaptive assessment of the developed ability to read and comprehend words and phrases in one or two sentence contexts. The test is untimed and includes twenty (20) multiple choice questions.

  • ESL Listening: The ESL Listening Test is a computer-adaptive assessment of the developed ability to listen to a series of connected discourses, including lectures and conversations involving multiple speakers, and to answer questions that assess comprehension of the information and ideas conveyed. The test is untimed and includes twenty (20) multiple choice questions.

Request for Release of Accuplacer Results

In order to release your placement test results to another institution you must complete the Placement Test Results Release Request form.

Ability-To-Benefit (ATB) Testing

Ability-to-Benefit testing is required for students who do not possess a U.S. high school diploma or equivalent AND who will apply for the NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).   Minimum passing ATB scores: ACCUPLACER Next Generation Reading 233, Writing 235 and Arithmetic 230. Walk-in during any scheduled placement test - no appointment required.

Transferring ATB Results

Accommodated Testing

SUNY Erie offers testing accommodations for students who self-identify as having a documented disability.  Please contact the Student Access Center at the campus you plan to attend to establish both accommodations and on-campus support services.

SUNY Erie offers the ACCUPLACER® (English and math) CELSA (EAL English) placement tests. The results of these tests will place you in the math, English or EAL classes for which you are best prepared and most likely to succeed.

Study Guides

Students are encouraged to review study materials prior to testing.
ACCUPLACER Practice Materials:
Study App:

Proctoring Services

Proctored Exams 

SUNY Erie provides proctoring services by appointment only. Please complete the attached Proctoring Request form and a member of the Testing Services staff will contact you to schedule your exam.   

CLEP Exams

CLEP Exams have been temporarily suspended.

PSI Exams

PSI Exams have been suspended.

For more information:
Placement Testing, North Campus
(716) 851-1936