Fuel-Efficient Vehicles


Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

SUNY Erie has designated 5% of its total parking capacity throughout the North Campus as Preferred Parking for Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles.

Low-emitting vehicles are defined as vehicles that are classified as Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) by the California Air Resources Board. Fuel-efficient vehicles are defined as vehicles that have achieved a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle rating guide. The list of qualifying vehicles can be found on GreenerCars.org.

American cars and light trucks along account for more fossil fuel CO2 emissions than the total nationwide emissions of all but four other countries in the world. A number of air pollutants associated with automobiles include fine airborne particulate matter (pm), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). A gallon of gasoline weighs just over 6 pounds. When burned, the carbon in it combines with oxygen from the air to produce about 19 pounds of CO2.But counting the energy that went into making and distributing the fuel, the total global warming impact is equivalent to 25 pounds of CO2emissions per gallon.

A vehicle’s greenness depends not only on its design, but also on how it is used. Consider reducing car use when practical, by walking or biking for short trips, ridesharing, and combining several errands into one trip. Consider leaving your car at home when there’s a cleaner way to go: by foot or by bicycle, by bus or by train, and even by wire (telecommuting or videoconferencing).


SUNY Erie has a free shuttle bus service between all three campuses, when classes are in session during the spring and fall semesters. Click here to learn more about SUNY Erie’s campus shuttle service.