Wood That Works


Wood That Works

As more developing countries enter world forest product markets and their growing economies drive domestic consumption, the protection of forests will become a critical issue. As of 2018, FSC-certified forests represent 34.5% of North America’s and 50% of Europe’s of total forested areas and very minor percentages in remaining parts of the world.

Because irresponsible logging practices can have harmful social as well as environmental impacts, the socioeconomic and political components of FSC certification include respecting indigenous people’s rights and adhering to all applicable laws and treaties. Certification also involves forest workers and forest-dependent communities as stakeholders and beneficiaries of responsible forest management.



Forests cover 30% of global land area.

Tongass National Forest in Alaska is the nation’s largest national forest with most of its 17 million acres composed of the Pacific temperate rainforest, with trees more than 1,000 years old.